I wanted to read this book as soon as I heard about it; the eponymous Social Paranoia allegedly affects 75 percent of Brits. It’s a huge issue for almost anyone who uses social media, including parents and educators – and… Continue Reading →
It’s August, so that can only mean back to school prep for teachers, homeschoolers, and parents. Some people are back to school already, and others are year-round homeschoolers. Whatever your schedule looks like, I hope your plans are going wonderfully… Continue Reading →
I love crochet; it’s such a fun, easy hobby. I particularly love small, quick projects that give swift gratification of a handmade item. In addition to blogging, volunteering, and authoring teaching resources, I also design crochet patterns. It’s been a while… Continue Reading →
Maintaining a neatly organised home with toddlers is challenging, but it can be a fun family time with educational benefits. Many parents and homeschoolers wonder how they can stay on top of the chore mountain, while juggling the disparate needs… Continue Reading →
This is sooo fun! If you have a blog, you need to try the awesome Typealyzer personality predictor for bloggers. Just enter your blog URL and it will come back with a Myers-Briggs type that is surprisingly accurate, in my opinion!… Continue Reading →
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