Thanksgiving isn’t a traditional holiday in the UK, but it is a welcome pause before the full onslaught of Christmas. (Thanksgiving 2016 is November 24th; it’s always the 4th Thursday in November.) My kids first started the annual Thanksgiving activities when they were at nursery school, so I suppose I’ve just kept up with it. I like the “let’s be grateful for stuff” concept. Although, I concede our actual historical knowledge and grasp of American culture is fairly limited.

Thanksgiving 2016 turkey craftivity.

Thanksgiving Turkey Writing Activity.

Thanksgiving 2016; Teaching Resources

With our background in mind, I love this I Am Thankful colouring sheet, from Whimsy Workshop Teaching, which helps organise thankful thoughts. It’s not graded, so it could be used for any age – colouring is a calming activity, for most people, and there’s space to jot down additional ideas.

A couple of pleasant time fillers are Thanksgiving ABC Order Cut and Paste from More than Math by Mo, and Twinkl’s Thanksgiving Word Search, which both introduce a range of Thanksgiving vocabulary.

We used the I Am Thankful sheet to brainstorm ideas for a Thanksgiving Turkey Writing Activity by Ms Makinson. It is so cute! Artwork produces a sense of accomplishment not readily scaled by any other subject. We didn’t exactly follow the template to the letter. (My younger child added some extra feathers.) However, we really like our finished efforts.

To aid us with some historical context, we also did some Thanksgiving comprehension worksheets: KS1 Thanksgiving Differentiated Reading Comprehension, and KS2 Thanksgiving Differentiated Reading Comprehension. I love that Twinkl offers differentiated levels. I can choose whatever seems best suited to my children’s interest and ability.

Worksheets and paper pumpkin for Thanksgiving 2016.

Twinkl Thanksgiving Comprehension worksheets, and Hallowe’en Paper Pumpkin Craft.

Thanksgiving 2016; There’s No Place Like Mom’s

I’m not a fan of roast dinners, so Thursday was actually pasta at grandma’s home. My mom is a great cook. I’m more than delighted to forego any turkey or pumpkin pie. On reflection, there are many things of which I can be thankful. The years spent on this crazy homeschool experience. The freedom to change it as and when I have the need. I don’t know what the future holds, or where it will take us. However, I’m thankful that we’ve had this opportunity.

The Head of my kids’ former prep school once told me something important. It doesn’t matter how or where a child is educated; what matters is that it’s done with love. Whether you live in a castle or an apartment, attend a state comprehensive or a private prep school, what you will remember the most is your family life. So, I guess – in a very long-winded way – what I’m most thankful for is: family.