Ahoy there, did ye know that September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day? It’s been celebrated annually ever since 2002! It’s super fun silliness, of gold doubloon quality, and ideal for engaging kids in a mini-topic, or just for alleviating the boredom blues.

Talk Like A Pirate Day: Activities

So, avast me hearties, what shall we plan first? How about some themed activities, to set the mood?

  • Repurpose a large cardboard box as a pirate ship; your kids can sail the carpet or floorboard (aka ocean) waves to discover new lands! Land, ahoy! Arrrr, it was just another sofa mirage brought on by sleep deprivation (aka parenting).
  • Sew some elastic to a piece of felt, about half the size of your palm, to make an eyepatch. (Decide Pirate Day is a great excuse for not brushing hair; everyone will be looking at your eyepatch anyway.)
  • Swashbuckle your way to a shiny pirate cutlass by cutting out a curved sword from thick cardboard and covering it with tin foil. “Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough; my stuff is so shiny!” Vow to never watch Disney’s Moana again, for the 30,000th time. (Listen to Tamatoa croon endlessly on recursive loop, as your kids ignore this prime directive. Briefly consider a new career in the Goa Pirates, as you attempt to wrestle the remote control from your offspring.)
  • Hide some chocolate (or toy) coins around your home and send your kids on a treasure hunt! Or, just play hot-and-cold: “Arrrr… Nahhhh… Mighty arrrr!”
  • Design your own ocean adventure map; draw your map on plain paper, carefully rip along the edges for a tattered look, and lightly “paint” it with cold black tea for that genuine ye olde finish. (Mutter that the landlubbers are after your treasure and sail away in the kids’ box boat. Attempt to have at least one hot cuppa. Give up and save the cold tea for another pirate map.)

Talk Like A Pirate Day: Worksheets

Shiver me timbers, studying doesn’t have to be boring; pique your child’s interest in Mathematics by printing an ocean themed division worksheet. Themed worksheets are a great way to keep studying or revision on track; they help make studying fun! (Talk Like A Pirate Day goes nicely with any resources featuring pirates, buccaneers, sailing, oceans, swimming, or fishing!)

Themed worksheet for Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Under the Sea free division worksheet from Education.com.

Dive and divide with this ocean themed worksheet from Education.com. Your child can practice division while pretending to be a deep sea diver! Check out more fun ways to practice division here.

Talk Like A Pirate Day: Ocean Crafts

Finish up with some fun ocean themed crafts, to compliment your Talk Like A Pirate Day celebrations! Arrrr… I love me some sweet artwork!

  • Paper plate fish are a perennial favourite; cut a triangular wedge from a paper plate and glue it to the opposite edge (pointed tip facing inward) to make a tail. Decorate with crayons, paint, or tissue paper. Bonus points for pirate themed features.
  • Older children may enjoy paper plate dioramas. Cut a circle from the middle of one paper plate and cover the opening with clear plastic. Make some tiny fish and attach them to the top of another paper plate, on fine thread. Glue the two paper plates together (curved sides facing outward) – ensuring the fish are dangling in between the plates – to complete.
  • Potato printing will never go out of fashion! Cut a potato in half and carve a design onto the flat surface. Use thick tempura paint to stamp potato prints onto a roll of brown paper. Simple designs work best eg ocean waves, X marks the spot, circular pirate doubloon. The finished roll of paper will also double as DIY wrapping paper, when it’s finished! (No, no, I won’t mention the “C” word in September. We’ll pretend it’s wrapping paper solely for birthdays.)

Do you have Talk Like A Pirate Day celebration plans, this year? What do ye reckon of pirate lingo? Whatever your plans, I wish ye a mighty happy Talk Like A Pirate Day 2017!

Under the Sea worksheet designed by the Education.com content team. Article by SLOAH.