The popularity of homeschooling as an education choice is by no means recent. In fact, the next generation is increasingly embracing it too! People who grew up being homeschooled want to offer that same flexibility and custom education to their own kids. In this interview with Chris Scott, you’ll discover why he’s chosen a bespoke education for his child.
Today, I’m very pleased to introduce you to this successful homeschooled graduate. He’s not just an established indie author, with a published portfolio; he’s also home educating his son.
Interview with Chris Scott; Career Path
Q: When did you become a homeschooled student?
A: At secondary school, the workload bored me. Clearly, something needed to change.
One summer break, my mother felt I had learned more in those brief weeks than during the previous year at school. At home, I was much happier and more engaged.
My mum felt she would lose me if I kept going back to a place where I wasn’t happy. Bullying did not help the situation; I never felt I had the support of the teachers. My mum deregistered me, to begin home education. It was a great decision; I wasn’t going to disagree with her!

Chris Scott using a microscope. Photo credit: Chris Scott.
Q: How did home education positively influence your career choice?
A: It gave me the flexibility to choose my own studies. While homeschooling, I spent a lot of time playing games, watching films, and reading books. In turn, that led to a strong interest in storylines, character and story development.
Interview with Chris Scott; Life as a Parent
Q: Why did you decide to homeschool your own child?
A: After my school experience, I wanted to give my child a better range of options than the school system could provide.
Of course, I’m not saying all schools are bad; it’s just not the best choice for everyone. I feel this is the right choice for us and our son.

Chris Scott’s son using a microscope, on a home education field trip. Photo credit: Chris Scott.
Interview with Chris Scott; Life as an Author
Q: What does your writing space look like; where do you like to work?
A: What workspace? I work wherever there is space!
Q: How do you deal with the infamous writer’s block?
A: Sometimes, I find that throwing a ball helps me overcome writer’s block. I also love to soundboard; bouncing ideas around with other people.
Q: Who is your favourite author?
A: JRR Tolkien; author of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion.
Chris Scott is a professional indie author and partnered father of one. His latest book, The Ascendance Protocol: Endeavour, is an exciting science-fiction adventure novel. Endeavour* was published on November 29, 2017; it’s currently available to purchase on Amazon in paperback and Kindle eBook format. Fan feedback and Amazon reviews are always welcome; find him on the usual social media channels, including Twitter and Facebook.
All personal photos and public Instagram photos used in this article are credited to Chris Scott.
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