Today was Blue Monday, which is reportedly the most depressing day of the year. However, it was also Martin Luther King Day, which is far more uplifting and awesome.

MLK worksheets by Mrs Thompson’s Treasures, Teaching from My Heart, Teacher Jeanell, and Latoya Reed.
One of my favourite websites, Teachers Pay Teachers, was a great source of free MLK Day teaching resources. We did a no-prep MLK Tri-Fold, a MLK Close Reading exercise, read a cute little MLK Poem, and worked through some of a fun MLK packet that includes a wordsearch and a poem worksheet.

I Have A Dream Clouds craftivity by Stuckey in Second.
My favourite TpT topical freebie had to be the I Have A Dream Clouds craftivity. All you need is some blue card and white string or ribbon, and you have a super cute mobile full of love and positivity. However, the poetry worksheet was a pretty close second!
Here are our fun Peace poems, created with the MLK packet by Teacher Jeanell:
Peace is cool.
Peace looks like rainbows.
Peace feels like unicorns.
Peace smells like flowers.
Peace tastes like cake.
Peace sounds like life.Peace is harmony.
Peace looks like peaceful people.
Pease feels like love.
Peace smells like lilies.
Peace tastes like icing cinnamon buns.
Peace sounds like twittering.
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